Action towards activation

Action towards activation

In today’s world it is probably safe to say that every human is suffering from some form of emotional dysregulation, a symptom of trauma. It is important that we take steps towards understanding what is needed to activate us towards a personal journey of self-healing.

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Love, my connection to India

Love, my connection to India

We are living in one of the most essential time periods of the awakening and evolution of this planet. Earth changes are a call to action. I am encouraging you to let go of things that no longer serve you and to learn more about your true purpose and potential, gifts and hidden abilities. It is vitally important to be incorporating our actions and work towards a collective intention, ‘the need of the hour’ – to heal. It is also important to acknowledge the call, to work together towards comm-unity. A life of service, in honour of the collective will make the world a better place just by the energy of the intention alone, sustainable abundance as nature intended.

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A dog in all I do for God

A dog in all I do for God

I accepted a calling to serve in whichever capacity I could to help uplift a pocket of people that were severely disadvantaged during lockdown. Only to uncover a stewing pot of toxic activity and a long list of urgent concerns across all levels of welfare. I was horrified at the condition I found many of the dogs. My first rescue was stomach wrenching as I watched the malnourished dog on a short lead devour handfuls of pellets in a frenzy. I looked around the dark and filthy shack trying to find some form of hope that could have kept this dog alive, but it had been here on its own for almost a week growling at anyone who came near the door, scared of humans.

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Healing the homeless

Healing the homeless

Many of the homeless people living on the streets of Cape Town have chosen to remove themselves from society because of addiction. Addictions vary from drugs and alcohol, to co-dependent behaviors and sex crimes. Each individual has a different story, whether it be childhood trauma, ancestral wounding, karmic cycles, habits and patterns, abuse, traits that have been passed down from parents to their children over generations.

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