IndiPam, the healer
My name is Pamela Tosh and I am here to encourage you to awaken the Divine Spirit within you. By sharing my knowledge and insights over the past ten years, the incredible transformational experiences I have had as a healer and how Karma Yoga, selfless devotion, helped me to advance on an enlightened pathway. I have been in training, not just to understand the application of these methods, but to challenge how one can use yogic techniques for energy healing, self-healing, longevity and alchemy.
I am here to guide others by my example, inspiring positive action and transformation in individuals and communities, so that we can connect and share in an authentic way to help, heal and inspire one another. We are all reflections of the infinite. To be authentic is to resonate in a high vibrational love frequency and we are called to awaken within ourselves and recognize our truth.
God leads the way in love, the highest of all vibrations and actions. Living in an environment conducive to increasing our frequency so that we can come into this truth, to be in alignment with Spirit, in yog/union with God and realize our full purpose and potential now is the ‘need of the hour’.
It is by our positive and compassionate actions that we become the example. Individual spiritual authenticity brought together by many can and will help to create sustainable solutions for the healing of individuals and communities.

In June/July 2013 I made my first trip to Rishikesh, India’s yoga capital, to complete a 200-hour YTT – yoga teacher training course at Rishikesh Yog Peeth. It was during this time that Monsoon floods, the worst in over 88 years, caused havoc in the region leaving many that were already vulnerable, in dire circumstances. It was during this time that I became ‘activated’. I began to follow a calling to work on the streets providing specialist foot care, first aid and hygiene education for the poor and homeless, and became a guardian for stray animals. In a natural mother role I became a carer and friend for many sadhus and babas (spiritual monks) who trusted me to provide treatments, touch them to apply creams and ointments and supply medications. It was these encounters with devotees which led to my spiritual awakening and realization of the true self. I adopted the philosophy of Karma Yoga and began to practise the techniques taught to me during my training. I have had miraculous encounters involving the exchange of prayers and blessings by those who received love and care from me. I feel that a much deeper soul connection has manifested through these energy exchanges which keeps me connected to Spirit, God, Source, as well as a lasting bond to India.
More about Karma Yoga
I keep a book of daily inspiration close by, The Song of God. It is a version of The Bhagavad Gita with commentary by Sri Swami Venkatesananda the disciple of iconic Karma Yogi and Spiritual Master Sri Swami Sivananda – also known as the father of Rishikesh.
It should be used as a guide and I recommend anyone wanting a closer relationship with self to invest in a hard copy.
Karma Yoga is the yoga of action, the path of dedicated work or selfless service: renouncing the results of our actions as a spiritual offering. The point of all the ‘yogas’ is to spiritualize our entire life instead of compartmentalizing our days into secular and spiritual zones. Karma yoga is particularly effective at this since it won’t allow us to use activity as an escape. By insisting that life itself can be holy, Karma Yoga gives us the tools of everyday life to cut our way to freedom.
Karma (Sanskrit, also karman, Pāli: kamma) is a Sanskrit term that literally means “action” or “doing”. In the West’s never-ending quest for high-speed, user-friendly spiritual growth, an ancient solution to the problem, karma yoga, is usually overlooked. The Bhagavad Gita touts karma yoga—the Hindu path of service to others—as the fast lane to spiritual fulfillment.
One of the greatest Yoga masters of the 20th century, Swami Sivananda, is the inspiration behind the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres and the author of more than 300 books on yoga and health, including teachings on karma yoga. Swami Sivananda was a medical doctor before renouncing worldly life for the spiritual path. The essence of his teachings are summarized in these six words:
Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize.
Whilst in Rishikesh one gets to view the decorative archway displaying these words across a busy roadway and fully immrese in this philosophy as the Divine Life Society Ashram, Museum and bookshop, hospital and hospice continue their good works.
By my example of love towards others I have healed and recognize oneness. I have been guided to people from all over the globe needing healing to express that love through kindness and compassion. I have received spiritual blessings and ‘gifts of the Spirit’ which manifest as Shakti energy, that of the Divine Feminine, when I am providing a healing. I am deeply connected to Mother Earth through my devotion and have been developing my intuition and awareness of my true authentic self to raise my vibration.
More about IndiPam LOVE projects
IndiPam LOVE projects are a collection of initiatives which were started by me as a way to categorize my offerings within the various levels of welfare, after assessments and reports.
- Rishikesh Animal Welfare – Online resource centre reports emergencies to a team on the ground in Rishikesh, India.
- Lansdowne Homeless Community – Lansdown Railway Station
- Flamingo Heights Community, Lansdowne
- Flamingo Dogz Project
- Flamingo Boyz Adventures
- Flamingo Kids
- House of Prayer – Kampies, Philippi
IndiPam wants to present the evidence, photography and videos, to schools and students in a unique way to give our youth more insight into the importance of community service, volunteer work and participating in the growth and development of our country.
I am a healer, a dog guardian, storyteller, revealer.
IndiPam NPO aims to uplift and empower the community by inspiring children and young adults through acts of kindness. Teaching aspects of love by example, participation, effort, practice and discipline.
IndiPam highlights concerns across every level of welfare, social, environmental and animal, and has through her experiences discovered ways to implement sustainable solutions, placing importance on the healing and development of the soul and spirit of each individual.
IndiPam needs the cooperation of The City of Cape Town and stakeholders, members and sponsors to ensure that the children and animals of Flamingo Heights live in a clean and safe environment and reach their full potential knowing what love feels like and how to share it.
IndiPam, the concept
I celebrated 10 years of being a yoga teacher in July 2023, but more significantly I must acknowledge the unbelieveable experiences, hard work and dedication, personal sacrifices and support from friends and family which have been integral to my spiritual journey. IndiPam Spiritual Legacy Foundation was certified in April 2023 as a Non-Profit Organization registration number 290-602 and is huge milestone for me at the age of 48.
The name IndiPam was first used to name my jewellery. Making one of a kind creations helped me to fundraise for travelling and many of my unique pieces found owners who experienced an immediate emotional connection to the items they chose.
IndiPam’s Yoga House, Constantia was opened at the end of 2013 with a boutique stocked with clothing, accessories, books and yoga items purchased in India. Upon my return to Cape Town after a five month journey in 2015, IndiPam’s Yoga House, Kenilworth was opened later that year.
IndiPam’s Sanctuary was a heart space for healing, yoga and meditation at various events and festivals which took place in the Western Cape between 2015 to 2019.
The IndiPam sticker given to friends and travellers became a recognized symbol and although it began as a concept I was soon being called IndiPam over my own name.
IndiPam for me has always been a safe space, a platform or an umbrella for others, with the intention that we are never alone and believing that ‘what we ‘do’ and who we ‘touch’ has a rippling effect.’
I cannot be defined by one role at any given time as I am so diverse. A yogi sees me in all things and all things within me.
“Namaste, the Divine in me, honours the Divine in you.”
The remarkable journeys I’ve had between India and South Africa over a ten year period bear witness to the incredible, abundant and fulfilling life one can have when faith and trust overcomes fear. Karma Yoga, selfless service became a vital tool which helped me to manage and overcome my own personal traumas, CPTSD, depression, abuse and divorce. Each ‘chapter of transformation’ included the need to apply the philosophy of yoga with conviction, understanding and implementing renunciation to be able to release, heal and give closure to situations which would usually have been met with aggravation, grief and loss. Traveling on a shoe string budget and being involved with local communities at street level gave me first hand experiences and insight into the physical, emotional and mental effects of displacement.
More recently, during the years of lockdown between 2020 and 2022 I experienced such a diverse perspective of life on the streets in Cape Town and the challenges of those suffering from poverty, neglect, addictions and abuse. One could never plan a day because emergencies happened often and usually came as an overwhelming surprise. I have always had the ability to adapt in any environment and act swiftly during emergency situations, however, many of these cases involved intolerable animal neglect. It quick became a focal point to start educating the community and to try find balance in my offering to avoid burn-out.
Services and offerings
- Healing; Energy Medicine; Massage
- Specialist Foot Care/Chiropody/Home Based Care/First Aid
- Yoga – Hatha/Vinyasa Flow/BKS Iyengar/Restorative/Yoganetics; Guided Meditation – Vizualization/Yoga Nidra; Breathing;
- Yoga Teacher Training; courses; workshops; events
- Community Outreach Projects and Volunteer Programmes
- Dog Guardian; Youth Mentor; Artist
- Public Relations and Communications
- Event and Project Managment
- Brand Ambassador
Over the years I have practiced specific techniques to help strengthen my body and mind. It was by integrating these methods into my daily activities which helped me more than just sitting in meditation. I found I could detach from the physical action and remain concentrated and focused on the task without ego, judgement or opinion. Practicing detachment and observation, non-attachment and renunciation have all had significant effects to elevating my spirit and surviving in a western society.
I feel I am the best version of myself when I am in nature, and living freely in a natural environment as I have done so whilst travelling. Nature has healing benefits and I have spent many days motorcycling, road tripping and exploring various landscapes, nourishment for the soul.
Meditation in action builds trust in oneself, confidence and self-love.
Realization and Spiritual Awakening
I have had many significant moments during my lifetime, many were due to trauma and suffering, which was also not always my own . As I ‘gave myself over’, surrendered to living in flow and guided by Spirit some magic and miracles began to happen.
Weaving synchronicities and mapping special events, I became in tune with a force far greater than ‘I’ which has been guiding, protecting and propelling me forward ever since.
I began to understand how abandoned we are as individuals and as a human race. Many of the problems I encountered in the west, including addiction and mental health disorders, can easily be cured by stimulating routine, selfless activities and positive affirmations, changes I could easily implement when travelling.
I feel a great strain on my life force when living in the west, a collective energy of lack and fear in many. Our society is suffering at the hands of a powerful few and disastrous traits like narcissism and co-dependency continue to break relationships and families.
The *’need of the hour’ is not necessarily to be spiritual as those truths (laws) are marred with uncertainy too, but to be authentic so that each one of us can raise our vibration to the highest frequency.
When we resonate in love, the essence of our being, we become closest to the authentic version of ourselves. That in turn causes us to unleash creative potential in alignment with our true purpose.
We need to seek the perfect environment to catalyst these changes and remember how important it is to understand what can happen during a spiritual awakening. It is not easy, in fact it can be brutal, isolating and confusing, but a very necessary step to transformation. It is not uncommon to go through turmoil when shifting and that analogy is very significant of where our world is today. To reset into a new way of being I had to ‘let go’, release, sacrifice and purge many things from my life. Every time I changed my environment, which was alot between India and South Africa I had transformed (like moving or ascending through levels of a game) and whilst in India, the many different places I stayed challenged me to live outside of my comfort zone, free from consumerism, western influence and temptations.